Loading Speed Factor of Google Algorithm

An announcement came recently from Google that loading time of website or the speed of loading would be added in the Google algorithm for website ranking in search engines. We can understand it by the words that the required time for a particular website to display on browser is the Loading Time of that website. This creates a mess in the minds of all webmaster who are doing SEO and are very caution to maintain their position in search engines. They started to analyze their website for preventing the danger before them.

Their main concern was that the faster loading time of a website, the better chance to rank high in Google search results. Matt Cutts, the Google specialist, in a recent video has thrown some light on newly cropped up issue of Speed time factor. He tried well to give a satisfactory answer to the question " Is Website Load Speed now a big factor in Google algorithm? " As Google has many time announced that there are over 200 signals or factors which are taken into account before evaluating and determining the final page ranking for a website. Load time factor is also being added in that list now. Even though the webmasters or developers should not create a havoc after listening it, because loading speed is not the only factor, as there are other factors also to consider along with the loading time. For example if you have two websites having almost same theme and same content on pages, and also the same number of backlines, but one sites loads faster than the second one. Naturally user will prefer that website which loads quickly. So from user point of view, Google has included the load time factor in its algorithm.

That website has better chance to come in search result first than the other which has a longer display. Some seo tools are available for webmasters like Yslow or Google's own tools in webmaster tool, that can help you lessen extra time of loading. If you make use of these tools properly you can improve your website performance up to 80% in some cases. Google's new policy is thus, an indication that webmasters should make use of such free tools to improve the load time, and thus help their websites to rank higher in search results. Google wants the webmasters must use the tools provided by Google itself, and so get high ranks in search engine result. Thus speed or load time of a website should be considered as one of the important issues if you are doing seo work for a website. Surely better speed will bring better results ZedAngle team is all aware that SEO is a method for enhancing the rank of an existing website in search engine result so it can be trusted and definitely give you the assurance that can help you to have a successful business.

Author Bio



Iftekhar is the founder of BusyBlogies, a content marketing strategy expert. He is a veteran of creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals. @iftekhar_ash